The Transformative Journey of Florentijn Hofman's Public Art

Florentijn Hofman《Rubber Duck》
Florentijn Hofman is a Dutch artist known for his large-scale public art installations that have captivated audiences around the world. His playful works instantly transport people from familiar, everyday places into the world of art. From a giant rubber duck floating on water to a massive bear quietly watching over a city, Hofman's creations have been created over many years. In this article, we will introduce some of Hofman's most iconic works.
Florentijn Hofman
Florentijn Hofman's Signature "Traveling Rubber Duck"
Hofman's public art pieces stirs the imagination with joy. Among them, the most famous work that has become an icon of public art is the "Rubber Duck". The "Rubber Duck" is a gigantic inflatable membrane standing at 26 meters high. It is an inflatable art piece based on the standard model of the toy that is loved and known worldwide as a bath or pool toy.
The Rubber Duck was first created in 2007 and has since toured cities around the world, including Hong Kong, Sydney, Beijing, Pittsburgh, Auckland, São Paulo, and Osaka.
Florentijn Hofman《Rubber Duck》Kaoshiung
Public art created from everyday objects
《Flat Monkey》2010, Sao Paulo(Brazil)
Many of Hofman's works are created from everyday objects. An excellent example is the "Fat Monkey" (São Paulo, 2010), a huge sculpture made by connecting 10,000 brightly colored beach sandals, which are representative of Brazil. The monkey lying down in the park is 15 meters long. The appearance of the giant monkey suddenly stopping passersby in their tracks. After the project, the beach sandals were given to the public.
《Flat Monkey》2010, Sao Paulo(Brazil)
In addition, the skin of "Big Yellow Rabbit" (Örebro, 2011) is made up of thousands of wooden roof shingles. And "Moon Rabbit" (Taoyuan, 2014), a giant rabbit looking up at the sky was created from light waterproof paper. Using this material, the rabbit’s “fur” moves in the wind as it reacts to the windy environment of Taoyuan.
《Moon Rabbit》2014, Taoyuan(Taiwan)
Hofman’s Artworks »Florentijn Hofman's Public Art: Site-specific Installations
《Hippopothames》2014, London(UK)
One of the major features of Hofman's art is that it is "site-specific," meaning that the work was created to have an interrelationship with its surrounding location. His installations are not only visually appealing, but also designed to blend in with the community and landscape of the region.
For example, in London (United Kingdom), Hofman created the installation "HippopoThames" in 2014. This artwork featured a giant hippopotamus floating on the River Thames, drawing attention to the river's ecosystem and history.
《Steelman》2011, Amsterdam(Netherlands)
In Amsterdam, Hofman created "Steelman" in 2011. After conversing with local young residents of the once rough district of Staalmanplein, he envisioned an 11-meter-high bear holding a pillow.
According to Hofman, "The bear is tough and is standing straddle-legged. Those who live in this neighborhood have to stand their ground. At the same time the bear is a symbol of fraternization. People socialize at the foot of the sculpture.’foot of the sculpture." For Hofman, the audience is an integral part of the artwork.
《Kobe Frog》2011, Kobe(Japan) *Permanent collection of Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art in Kobe
In Kobe, Hofman created a permanent installation called "Kobe Frog" for the rooftop of the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art. The work is inspired by frogs and their versatile personalities, which Hofman thought resembled the strong people of Kobe who had recovered from the Great Hanshin earthquake of 1995. To celebrate the people who had lived through that momentous occasion, the frog is adorned with a colorful party hat.
《Bubblecoat Elephant》2017, Shenzhen(China)
Hofman's works are both captivating and influential, especially for children. "Bubblecoat Elephant," for instance, is a work installed on the roof of a shopping mall. A water fountain sits at the end of the long elephant's nose, creating a water playground beckoning adults and children to enjoy the outdoors. It’s an endearing installation with an underlying critique towards consumption society as it sits on top of a massive mall that is a cathedral devoted to our shopping salvation.
Florentijn Hofman's Vision for the Next Generation
《Lookout Rabbit》 2011, Nijmegen(Netherlands)
Hofman's works use everyday materials and motifs, such as paper boats, industrial district pictograms, and mass-produced small toy figurines. Despite being mundane, the artist finds different beauty in each of them and turns them into clear and symbolic images.
By enlarging reality like fiction and utilizing the size and materials, Hofman expands the accessibility of art, while also providing suggestions to modern-day issues such as alienation and anxiety.
Florentijn Hofman
In recent years, Hofman has broadened his activities beyond traditional public art installations. In 2021, he installed a giant inflatable "Citycocoon" at the Schiedam Municipal Museum in the Netherlands. This work, created after the confinement of the COVID-19 pandemic, appeared in the nave of a historic church and provided a deep green space of non-everyday life, as well as a song composed by Hofman and a composer, inviting viewers into deep meditation.
Creating works that strike a chord with people reflects Hofman's desire for new artistic expression and his desire to expand the boundaries of public art. It's exciting to see what Hofman will create next and how he will continue to shape the world of public art by exploring new media and technologies.
Florentijn Hofman《Rubber Duck》Pittsburgh
Hofman’s Artworks »ARTIST

네덜란드 예술가 Florentijn Hofman은 2000년 네덜란드 캄펜에 있는 미술 아카데미에 다녔고, 이후 독일 베를린에 있는 쿤스토흐 학교에서 MFA를 받았다. Hofman은 간결한 원근법을 사용하여 관객의 편안함에 도전하는 것을 목표로 한다. 예술 작품의 친근함과 긍정성은 대중들이 예술을 우호적인 방식으로 탐구할 수 있게 해준다. 그 후 그는 이것들을 선명하고 상징적인 이미지로 가공한다. 예를 들어 순수한 크기와 재료의 사용을 통해 소외되고 불안정해지는 이상하게도 너무 큰 “장난감”, Rubber Duck, 2007, 와 같은 고무 오리 목욕 장난감은 프랑스에서 브라질, 뉴질랜드에서 홍콩, 피츠버그에서 심지어 칠레의 산티아고에 이르기까지 전 세계 항구에서 볼 수 있는 부풀릴 수 있는 거대한 크기의 표현이다. 이 작품들은 즉시 식별할 수 있고 즉각적인 매력이 있다.
Hofman은 주변 환경에 대한 관심을 통해 물질의 가능성을 검토하고 형태와 본질과 아름다움을 탐구한다. 그는 지역 문화를 그의 작품에서 접목시켜 상상력을 표현하고 잃어버렸던 지역 간의 상호작용을 불러일으킨다.
사회적 참여와 상호 의사소통은 작가의 창조의 핵심 요소이다. Hofman은 공공 장소에서 조각에 대한 그의 드라이브를 공유함으로써 관객에게 그의 보편적 미학에 대한 만남을 생성한다. 그가 만들어낸 즐거움은 관객으로 하여금 인종과 종교에 대한 생각을 버리고 작품과의 대화 속으로 들어가게 한다.
작가는 공공 공간에서 조각에 대한 그의 추진력을 공유함으로써 관객들이 그의 보편적 미학에 대한 만남을 만들어내고 그가 만들어낸 기쁨은 관객들이 인종과 종교에 대한 생각을 버리고 예술 작품들과의 대화에 들어갈 수 있게 해준다. Hofman은 창조물을 확대함으로써 자신의 평등과 대수롭지 않음을 나타내는 것을 목표로 한다.