Art x Hypercars Destination | Grey Avenue


At Ronald Ventura's Atelier

As a major event fitting for the dawn 2024, the Whitestone Ginza New Gallery hosts a solo exhibition by Filipino artist Ronald Ventura. The exhibition raises the theme of "Hypercar" as a medium of artistic expression, expanding the possibilities of art and cars.

On the exhibition's opening day, a special collaboration car with RWB's representative, Mr.Akira Nakai, who has fascinated not only the racing world but also car collectors worldwide, appeared.

Integrating Culture into Fascination with Speed and Power

At Artist's Atelier

Ventura, known for the complex layers of imagery and style, akin to the diverse cultures and symbols mixing in his homeland, the Philippines, which has been under the rule of Spain, Japan, the United States, and various other countries for centuries, creates "visual layers" in his works. With his high level of rendering that combines hyperrealism, comics, animation, icons, and graffiti, Ventura enables multiple different realities to coexist within his works.

Ronald Ventura《COMPETITION》2023, 50.8×40.6cm, Acrylic & polyurethane paint on carbon fiber.

Ronald Ventura, who has garnered high acclaim in Southeast Asia, is interested in "Hypercars." The artist, attracted early on by the aesthetic beauty and speed of hypercars, showcases his penchant for cars throughout his studio.

In the current exhibition, "Grey Avenue," Ventura not only focuses on hypercars but also discusses their potential as a medium of artistic expression.

Adorning the Second Skin

Wrapping Porsche for the reception exhibit.

Ventura, having been involved in the design of many hypercars, has passionately devoted himself to designing car skins as a "second skin." On the reception day, classic Porsches appeared adorned in skins specially crafted by the artist. This demonstration highlights that not only objects unilaterally appreciated in special spaces like galleries and museums are art, but also machines that captivate humans with their speed and power can embody art.

From left: Koei Shiraishi (Whitestone Gallery CEO), Ronald Ventura, Akira Nakai (RWB)

The bonnet created for the "Ronald Ventura Version" of the classic Porsche car tuning.

Art and Cars: Their Common Ground

Artist's Atelier

During an interview in his studio, the artist expressed, "I'm very fascinated with the experience of the speed how you handle the speed with precision and control. So it's the same as my painting. Because sometimes you're going to clash some images in the process and you can also see the manipulations of the techniques combined with different layers inspired from cultural and historical facts, including pop culture," explaining the similarities between his works and cars.

Sketches drawn on the studio wall. Various artwork designs overlap like layers.

Many of the artist's skins stem from his three-dimensional works combining animals and humans. Both the chimeral series and hypercars have high speeds and strong power. Because we live in a technologically advanced age, pure, primitive "power" has a powerful appeal.

Ronald Ventura: Grey Avenue

Ronald Ventura's solo exhibition "Grey Avenue" will be held at Whitestone Ginza New Gallery until February 17, 2024. You can also watch an interview video online to catch a glimpse of the entire studio.


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로날드 벤투라
로날드 벤투라

1973년 필리핀 마닐라에서 태어난 로날드 벤투라는 그가 계속 살고 작업하는 필리핀에서 그의 세대에서 가장 호평을 받는 예술가들 중 한명이다. 1993년 마닐라의 산토 토마스 대학 (B.F.A)을 졸업한 직후, 그는 그의 모교인 미술 디자인 대학에서 미술 강사로 일하기 시작했다. 벤투라의 그림과 조각들은 이제 독특한 구상적인 모티브의 조합으로 동남아시아에서 가장 눈에 띄는 현대 미술의 이미지들 중 하나이다. 그의 작품은 극사실주의에서 만화 및 그래피티에 이르기까지 이미지와 스타일링의 복잡한 레이어링을 특징으로 한다. 벤투라는 그의 작업에서 레이어링 프로세스를 필리핀의 다각적인 국가 정체성에 대한 은유로 받아들인다. 수세기에 걸쳐 스페인, 일본, 미국 등 다양한 점령국의 심오한 영향은 토착 문화와 함께 복잡하고 때로는 불안한 정체성 의식을 만들어 냈다. 벤투라는 동양과 서양, 높음과 낮음, 오래되고 젊음을 상기시키는 이미지의 대화를 통해 이러한 역사적이고 심령적인 현상을 탐구한다. 그는 각각의 사람들이 자신도 모르게 가지고 다니는 문화적 기표의 “두 번째 피부”에 우리의 관심을 이끈다. 벤투라는 피부를 표현력이 풍부한 표면으로 간주한다. 문신으로 새겨지거나, 이미지 레이어 아래에 가려지거나, 환상과 갈등의 내면 세계를 드러내기 위해 밖으로 폭발한다.








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