Shiho Fujiwara First Solo Exhibition in Taiwan Featured in Local Kobe Newspapers

Shiho Fujiwara's solo exhibition "Suiboku" at Whitestone Gallery Taipei, was featured in the local newspaper, “The Kobe Shimbun.” The news article expresses that Fujiwara's works in sumi ink and washi paper were well received in Taiwan as "powerful and elegant”.

Shiho Fujiwara is an artist born in Nishinomiya-city, Hyogo Japan, and raised in Tamba Sasayama City.

Her fascination with sumi painting (sumi-e) at a young age led her to learn the groundworks in the art of sumi ink and washi paper. In the 1970s, Fujiwara’s travels to subtropical forests of the Amami Islands in Kagoshima and Konsen Plateau in Hokkaido became the very reason to create abstract expressions in sumi and washi. The powerful silhouettes of gargantuan roots in towering trees and looming dark clouds over the horizon had struck a chord within her.

The artist currently works in Sasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture, where she researches ways of expressing sumi and washi. Her works range from monochrome abstractions to sculptures and installations.

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후지와라 시호

일본 효고현 니시노미야시에서 태어난 후지와라는 어릴 때부터 수묵화에 매료되어 수묵화 기초 전문학교에 입학했다. 먹과 종이에 대한 학습을 통해 그녀는 주로 나무와 숲을 모티브로 묘사하는 작업을 한다. 1970년대 아마미 제도와 훗카이도의 Konsen 고원을 혼자 여행하면서, 지평선 위에 드리워진 거대한 나무들의 뿌리와 다가오는 먹구름에 깊은 감동을 받은 그녀는 「먹과 화지에 의한 추상 표현」에 뜻을 둔다. 현재 Sasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture에서 아틀리에를 설립해 「먹과 화지」에 대한 표현 연구와 탐구를 계속하고 있으며, 그녀의 작품은 단색 추상화에서부터 조각과 설치에 이르기까지 다양하다.








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