Reflecting on "The Torrent in Seconds" at Whitestone Gallery


Left: Yudai Takeuchi, Right: Kisho Kakutani.

At Whitestone Ginza New Gallery, the duo exhibition "The torrent in seconds" by Kisho Kakutani and Yudai Takeuchi took place. On Saturday, May 18, 2024, new works inspired by the exhibition's theme "Premonition and Memory" were unveiled.

During the event, attendees enjoyed a dialogue between Kisho Kakutani and Yudai Takeuchi, as well as an improvisational performance by renowned Japanese violinist Naoki Kita. His piece, themed around the exhibition, created a theatrical atmosphere where the energy of color and sound intermixed, offering viewers a unique glimpse into the depths of art.

Scene from the new work unveiling reception.

An Autonomous and Catalytic "Black" | Takeuchi Interview

During the event, Naoki Kita’s performance employed various techniques, bringing emotional waves and a sense of perspective to the venue. This added rich auditory layers to the visual experience, highlighting the mutual influence between the two artists from their meeting to the completion of the new works.

Naoki Kita: photo by ©Keiko Oda

Interweaving Clarity and Ambiguity in Reality | Kakutani Interview

Kakutani captures the ephemeral nature of the moment by deliberately incorporating noise, while Takeuchi evokes a sense of apprehension towards reality through the dark time axis. Together, their artworks serve as poignant reminders of the preciousness of each moment and the exquisite tension inherent in the present.

As the duo exhibition "The torrent in seconds ― 秒角の激流" is coming to an end on May 25, 2024, we’d like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the artists who created such a captivating space, Naoki Kita, and all visitors to the gallery.

Yudai Takeuchi "Children of the planets" 2024, 73.0 × 91.0cm, :pencil, watercolors, varnish on paper mounted panel.

Kisho Kakutani "Curtain (BK)" 2024, 61.0 × 91.0cm, indian ink, acrylic on canvas mounted on panel.

Visit the Online Gallery

Scene of Naoki Kita's improvisational performance.

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