Whitestone Gallery Beijing is honoured to present "Freedom and Form of the Gutai: Tsuyoshi Maekawa and Yuko Nasaka” duo exhibition. This exhibition traces the artistic endeavours of both artists from the 1960s to their most recent works, the aim is to present their exploration and experimentation with the material, creative passion and inventiveness that be shown during their artistic career.

Freedom and Forms in Gutai: Tsuyoshi Maekawa x Yuko Nasaka
2024.5.18 – 6.29

Both Tsuyoshi Maekawa and Yuko Nasaka were members of the Gutai Art Association, an avant-garde group founded in 1954 by Jiro Yoshihara in Osaka, and one of the most influential groups in the history of Japanese art. The group's slogan, "Do what no one has done before," is exemplified by each artworks’ distinct style and identity. Starting in the early 1960s, with the opening of the Gutai Pinacoteca and the addition of new members, Gutai's focus shifted from the physical and performative nature of the first generation to the use of unconventional materials and tools by its second generation, exploring the connection between picture plane and space. Tsuyoshi Maekawa and Yuko Nasaka were in the second generation - Maekawa employs various fabrics in his work, using techniques like sewing, cutting, and painting to express the tension of materials; Nasaka expands the boundaries of art with her continual exploration of circular forms.
Tsuyoshi Maekawa (b. 1936) has been using fabrics throughout his artistic career, using sewing machines, hand-stitching, and stretching to mould shapes, and they are enhanced by a vibrant palette, reflecting a strong Abstract Expressionism influence. His textured, relief-like surfaces lend a cutting-edge conceptual and emotional depth to his works, ranging from the primal spiritual force of the early 1960s to the passionate yet delicately flowing expressions in post-2000, prompting a re-evaluation of fabric as a material as well as initiating a dialogue between freedom and art.


마에카와 츠요시
마에카와 츠요시
마에카와는 삼베를 그의 생애에 걸쳐 주요 창작 재료로 사용해 왔으며, 삼베는 그를 상징하는 존재가 된다. 마에카와가 등장하기 전에 미술사에서 Joan Miró와 Alberto Burri와 같이 삼베를 사용하는 예술가가 몇 명 있었지만, 마에카와는 일생을 삼베의 물질성에 대해 연구한 최초의 인물이다. 또한 캔버스에 삼베를 입체적으로 붙이거나 꿰매는 것뿐만 아니라 반드시 유채로 채색을 하는 것이 마에카와의 특징이며, 3차원을 지향하면서도 회화라는 2차원에서 벗어나지 않겠다는 작가의 고집이 느껴진다. 마에카와는 무카이 슈지 와 마츠타니 타케사다를 포함해 구타의 2세대를 대표하는 인물이며, Gutai가 해체된 이후에도 해외에서 많은 전시를 통해 창의적인 작품 활동을 멈추지 않고 있다.
Yuko Nasaka (b. 1938), influenced by her family's business in manufacturing measuring instruments, has been familiar with the form of the circle since childhood. Her work is deeply connected to the longstanding tradition of pottery in East Asia, inspired by the potter's wheel, she creates concentric circles and spiral patterns on circular plates. Her techniques, which include scraping and applying colours in a flowing texture and gloss, are related to the pottery craftmanship. Her works not only blend in various traditional aesthetics but also explore the beauty of circular motifs, creating a visual experience through repetition that resonates with "Kinetic Art" and "Op Art" that prevailed in Europe and America during the 1960s, thus endlessly extending and expanding the possibilities of art.


나사카 유코
나사카 유코
1962년 일본 이과전과 아시야시전에서 연속 입상하면서 Nasaka는 Gutai 미술 협회장인 요시하라의 눈에 띄게 되며 1963년 협회에 조인하였다. 선박용 계량기를 생산하는 가족 사업으로 인해 작가는 어린 시절부터 원의 형태에 익숙하였으며 원은 평생 그녀의 창작 모티브가 된다. 구타이 피나코테카(Gutai Pinacoteca)에서의 첫 개인전 (1964)은 수많은 원형으로 공간을 채운 전시로 주목을 끌었고 Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, Merce Cunningham과 같은 국제적 저명한 작가들이 관람한 바 있다. 일정 기간동안 활동을 중단한 후 다시 작업을 시작한 작가는 복귀 후에도 계속해서 원과 큰 조각 시리즈를 선보였다. 나사카의 작품은 그녀의 무한한 원처럼 끝없이 관람객들을 매료시고 작가의 인기는 유럽에서도 커지고 있다.
The exhibition also features selected works by iconic artists of Gutai, including Jiro Yoshihara, Kazuo Shiraga, Atsuko Tanaka, Shozo Shimamoto, Yasuo Sumi, Sadamasa Motonaga, Chiyu Uemae, Takesada Matsutani, Shuji Mukai, further showcasing the diverse and vibrant styles of the group.

2024.5.18 – 6.29
Tel: +86 10 59920796
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 18:00
Closed: Sunday, Monday