Whitestone Gallery Karuizawa is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Tetsuo Mizù, who celebrated his 50th anniversary as a painter last year.

Mizù has established his own unique world by incorporating "international maritime signal flags," which are indispensable for communication between ships, into his paintings. He was in the limelight in Europe during the 1980s and 1990s, with numerous exhibitions held in Italy, France, Spain, and other countries. 

The "Flag" series combines a taste of abstract paintings with a touch of poetic sensibility. Inspiration for his outer layers, curves, and colors, which is a form of consequence in abstraction, comes from the flags fluttering in the wind on board as well as the buntings under the bright sun in Italian open squares. As for his lyricism, the artist may have been influenced by the pathos of Modigliani whom he looked up to as his mentor and Yumeji Takehisa. In addition, his matte texture, which reminds us of the design of Japanese cultural refinement such as ukiyoe and hanafuda (Japanese playing cards), cannot fail to attract the viewers’ eyes.

This exhibition will feature not only his representative "Flag" series from the 1990s and 2000s also include "Voice," the significant work in his early period that gives us a glimpse of the hitherto process of abstraction, "CORONA, ViRUS," a painting literally as a quick response to the Corona crisis in 2020, and the latest work from 2021.

We cordially invite you to come visit the vibrant world of Tetsuo Mizù.

Karuizawa Gallery

1151-5 Karuizawa, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, 389-0102, Japan
전화: +81 (0)267 46 8691
팩스: +81 (0)267 46 8692
영업시간: 10:00 - 17:00 (10월 - 6월) 10:00 - 18:00 (7월 - 9월)
휴무: 월요일
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미즈 테츠오
미즈 테츠오

미즈 테츠오는 해상에서 선박 간의 통신에 이용되는 「국제 신호기」를 조합해 타이틀을 디자인해 가는 '플래그 시리즈'로 1980년대 일약 주목을 받게 된다. 그는 이탈리아, 프랑스, 스페인에서 오래 거주하며 세계 각지에서 작품을 전시했다.
1987년 로마 근교 Anzio 콩쿠르에서 특별상을 수상하고, Lavino, St. Anna 교회의 스테인드글라스 제작을 의뢰받는다. 1989년 샤갈, 달리, 피카소, 멜로이스와 함께 단체전(Barcelona, Spain)에 초대되었으며, 1990년 달리와의 공동 전시회(Beaune, France)에 초청받은 것은 그가 유럽에서 얼마나 높은 평가를 받았는지를 보여준다. 그의 작품은 무광택과 전체적인 양감이 극세선으로 나누어져 현대적인 추상을 나타내며, Art Basel(스위스), FIAC(파리), Art Rio(브라질) 등의 세계적인 아트페어에 소개되었다.

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