Sans Souci: Huang Pin Tong Solo Exhibition


2024.12.14 - 2025.01.24

When the relationship between humans and nature becomes closer, the state of souls will no longer have distinctions, and there will be no barriers between species. The essence of life and soul will return to its fundamental state of beauty and goodness

- Huang Pin Tong

Whitestone Gallery Taipei is honored to present the solo exhibition "Sans Souci" by Taiwanese artist Huang Pin Tong. After a two-year hiatus, she unveils 18 entirely new works that employ warm, textured wood as her primary medium. By anthropomorphizing natural elements and phenomena through the imagery of newborn infants, Huang seeks to evoke familiar emotions and memories in viewers. Her profound artistic intention is to restore life and soul to a state of purity and innocence, ultimately bridging interpersonal connections. The exhibition will be on view from 14th December, 2024 to 24th January, 2025 with the opening reception scheduled on 14th December (Sat) at 4:00 pm where the artist will be present.

Her creative process originates with hand-drawn sketches for conceptual design, progressing through experimental clay modeling, and ultimately transforming into intricate wooden sculptures. Her work demonstrates profound and rigorous sculptural techniques with meticulous attention to detail, integrating natural elements with her signature volumetric forms characterized by their rounded sensibility. By endowing the sculptural figures with infant-like soft and delicate feet, she imbues her work with a rounded morphology that symbolizes the depth of life and an abundant inner energy. This approach represents the artist's emotional connection between "individual" and "nature," serving as an exploratory journey into the fundamental essence of human emotions and the soul. Through this profound artistic expression, viewers are invited to discover their own reflections within the artwork, creating a deeply personal and introspective experience.

The exhibition “Sans Souci” presents a comprehensive exploration of Huang Pin Tong’s artistic practice, featuring her continuous “Succulent” series alongside her latest “Clouds” series. Through wood’s inherent texture and materiality, the artist creates a warm, tranquil visual atmosphere. The exhibition seeks to convey a life philosophy of maintaining inner peace and focusing on the present despite the subtle passage of daily moments. Her works are centered around the themes of “innocence” and “abundance”. The “Succulent” series, inspired by the slow growth of succulents, symbolizes purity and the accumulation of energy. By contrasting the rough, warty texture of plants with the smoothness of infant legs, it captures the emergent vitality of organic existence.

In the “Clouds” series, cloud formations symbolize the nourishment of all living beings, carrying moisture through the air. The diverse and fluid nature of clouds stimulates viewers’ rich imagination while symbolizing the emotional fluctuations experienced throughout human life. Within an ever-changing environment, these works simultaneously represent nature's constant cycles, suggesting that one's state of mind—like clouds—can be malleable, adaptable, and at peace with the present moment.

The Abundant Vitality of Everyday Life

An Interview with Huang Pin Tong


후앙 핀 통

후앙 핀 통

Huang Pin Tong은 대만 타이페이에서 태어났다. 2009년 대만예술대학 조소과 졸업했고, 2010년과 2011년 대만 현대미술 목조부문 최고상인 유륭 목조혁신 금상을 2년 연속 수상했다. 2017년 YU-HSIU미술관에 초청되어 개인전 '만남'을 개최하여 화제가 되었다. Huang의 작품은 그녀가 자연물을 재해석하는데 탁월한 모사 능력이 있음을 보여준다. 특히 아기의 부드럽고 섬세한 발 표현은 Huang의 작품 특징이며, 삶의 두께를 담는 것처럼 다채롭고 푹신한 몸은 충만함과 풍요로움을 느끼게 한다. 나무 소재는 목재 자체의 따뜻한 특성과 함께 작품의 분위기를 더욱 활기차게 한다. 2022년 출시된 새 시리즈 '생명나무'는 다육식물이 끊임없이 에너지를 저장하고 강하게 천천히 성장하는 것처럼, 사람의 마음이 채워질 때 마음속에 있는 생명나무가 자신감과 활력으로 넘쳐나는 모습이 표현되어 있다.

Sans Souci: Huang Pin Tong Solo Exhibition
2024.12.14 - 2025.01.24

Opening Reception
2024.12.14(Sat) 4 pm


1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)
전화: +886 2 8751 1185
팩스: +886 2 8751 1175
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일, 공휴일
More Info
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