Encounter: A Duo Exhibition by Sachiko KAMIKI and Yuyelai


October 29 - December 03, 2022


Whitestone Gallery is pleased to present a duo exhibition “Encounter” by Japanese young artists Sachiko KAMIKI (b.1991) and Yuyelai (b.1999). This is the first time for both artists to present together in an exhibition each exhibiting more than ten pieces of new artwork. KAMIKI and Yuyelai express their works from a third-person perspective with an atavistic approach to exploring human emotions and meaning in our existence. Figures on the canvases reflect the artist's ever-changing state of mind with those they've encountered; or themselves in the art journey.


KAMIKI’s new works depict figures in opaque black blocks dressed in hues of yellow, blue, and pink in emblematic mosaics. Compared with the artist’s previous bold-colored works, KAMIKI shows a matured progression in conveying rich emotions. Instead of direct-gazing subjects, figures are seated or standing as if beckoning spectators to interact.

Basically, I make my works with the hope that viewers will interpret and enjoy them as they wish.
This time, since there is a dual exhibition in the one room where "I" and "another artist" are present, I made the work with the "third person" (the motif character in the art work) in mind.
The human figure in the art work is not looking at us, but rather the viewers are looking at the person in the painting. I consciously created the work with this in mind. During the creation process, I repeatedly spent time drawing subjectively as I wished, and then objectively studying and inspecting the work. Although the human figures that I draw in my paintings are different from realistic people. I try to paint in the way that could convey the feelings and personalities of the people depicted on canvas as well as their facial expressions.

Sachiko Kamiki


카미키 사치코

카미키 사치코

도쿄에서 태어난 Sachiko kamiki는 2017년 Joshibi University of Art and Design(유화 과정)에서 박사 학위를 취득했으며, "Fukuko Okubo Prize"(대학으로부터 명예로운 언급)를 받았다. 같은 해 Karuizawa New Art Museum에서 솔로 데뷔전을 열었으며, 이와 관련해 유명한 월간 예술 매거진 'Bijyutsutecho'(9월호, 2017년)에 그녀의 인터뷰 기사가 실렸다. 2018년 그녀의 첫 번째 도쿄 개인전이 화이트스톤 긴자 뉴 갤러리에서 호평 속에 열렸으며, 이듬해 그녀의 작품은 《월간 갤러리》의 신년호 표지를 장식했다. 도큐 백화점 본점 85주년을 기념하여 도큐 백화점 본점 아트 갤러리에서 개인전이 열렸고, 작품이 완판되며 성공적인 막을 내렸다. 2020년에는 화이트스톤 갤러리 타이페이에서 개인전 'TETRAD'가 개최되었다. Kamiki의 작품은 상징적 은유를 통해 보는이에게 인간의 존재나 현대 사회의 양상에 대해 질문하며, 풍부한 문학적 소양을 갖춘 그녀의 넓은 시각과 선명하면서도 조화를 이루는 대담한 색채가 특징이다.

Encounter: A Duo Exhibition by Sachiko KAMIKI and Yuyelai
October 29 - December 03, 2022


1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)
전화: +886 2 8751 1185
팩스: +886 2 8751 1175
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일, 공휴일
More Info
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