Hymn to Water: MIZÙ


2024.12.14 - 2025.01.11

Whitestone Gallery Taipei is pleased to present Hymn to Water, a solo exhibition by the Japanese artist Tetsuo Mizù, featuring a collection of his latest works. This exhibition marks his return to showcasing his captivating works in Taipei after a five-year interval.

Mizù, born in 1944 in Tokyo, Japan, is renowned for his imaginative and poetic works that incorporate patterns inspired by international maritime signal flags. These geometric and symbolic flags transcend their original meanings, serving not only as visual embellishments but also as profound symbols that surpass language and cultural boundaries. Through these flags, Mizù conveys a form of silent communication, suggesting a resonance between people and between humanity and nature. His refined lines and vibrant use of color create harmonious and captivating compositions.

Mizù’s works embody fluidity and freedom. When multiple tableaux are painted on a single canvas, the interplay of lines and colors creates independent spaces, allowing the composition to breathe. There is no fixed style; forms dissolve naturally and flow rhythmically, creating a visual cadence that mirrors the qualities of music. In addition, Mizù replicated the works of renowned Japanese artist Yumeji Takehisa (1884–1934) from the Taisho period, as well as from Ukiyo-e. While Yumeji blended poetry with painting, Mizù introduced a rhythmic quality to his art through the interplay of lines and colors. Mizù’s use of color also reflects the matte texture characteristic of Ukiyo-e, a technique that emphasizes the flatness of the image. This approach directs the viewer’s attention to the lines, composition, and overall scene, enhancing the visual experience.


If you would like to receive a list of his works, please contact us using the enquiry form below.


The International Maritime Signal Flag system serves as a universal method of communication among ships worldwide, transcending language and cultural boundaries. Mizù's incorporation of these elements alludes to a shared human experience and a universal language that breaks down barriers, evoking a sense of freedom and unity. Through his unique arrangements, repainting, and selective color substitutions, Mizù transforms these precise signal flags into entirely new visual creations. By skillfully and rationally deconstructing these seemingly abstract codes on the canvas, the artist invites viewers to reconsider the significance of these symbols, highlighting a dynamic interplay between reason and emotion within his works.

Mizù was inspired by the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani (1884–1920), renowned for his unique elongated portraits and expressive compositions that capture the essence of the human experience. Mizù's own creations reflect a similar elegance and emotional depth, particularly through his use of line. In addition, Mizù visited exhibitions of Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), whose groundbreaking exploration of form, space, and perspective challenged and transcended the boundaries of traditional art. This experience reinforced Mizù's commitment to his unique painting method, leading him to adopt a more personal, unrestrained form of expression. In Mizù’s portraits, the sense of volume is achieved through rounded edges and soft touches, while elongated character lines and statue-like three-dimensionality give the works a striking visual presence. The figures seem to emerge from the canvas, creating a dynamic sense of depth and presence. This emergence has become a key feature of Mizù’s artistic style.


미즈 테츠오

미즈 테츠오

미즈 테츠오는 해상에서 선박 간의 통신에 이용되는 「국제 신호기」를 조합해 타이틀을 디자인해 가는 '플래그 시리즈'로 1980년대 일약 주목을 받게 된다. 그는 이탈리아, 프랑스, 스페인에서 오래 거주하며 세계 각지에서 작품을 전시했다.
1987년 로마 근교 Anzio 콩쿠르에서 특별상을 수상하고, Lavino, St. Anna 교회의 스테인드글라스 제작을 의뢰받는다. 1989년 샤갈, 달리, 피카소, 멜로이스와 함께 단체전(Barcelona, Spain)에 초대되었으며, 1990년 달리와의 공동 전시회(Beaune, France)에 초청받은 것은 그가 유럽에서 얼마나 높은 평가를 받았는지를 보여준다. 그의 작품은 무광택과 전체적인 양감이 극세선으로 나누어져 현대적인 추상을 나타내며, Art Basel(스위스), FIAC(파리), Art Rio(브라질) 등의 세계적인 아트페어에 소개되었다.

Hymn to Water: MIZÙ
2024.12.14 - 2025.01.11


1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)
전화: +886 2 8751 1185
팩스: +886 2 8751 1175
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일, 공휴일
More Info
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