Whitestone Gallery Taipei is honoured to present Floating Zoo - the solo exhibition of Yuji KANAMARU. The exhibition will be on view at the gallery in Neihu from January 15 - February 16, with an opening reception in the presence of the artist on Saturday, January 18, from 6 - 8 pm.
KANAMARU’s paintings embody rather than merely represent the expression of modern universality and explore ancient Indian philosophy in innovative ways.

He started to paint animals purely out of fondness. After reading the Hindu mythology, he then added elements of human life on his animals. His works are richly coloured, simple compositions that contain various animals with symbolic meaning, such as wise elephant, inherent ancient fish and long-lived tortoise. The expressionless animals invite viewers to a sensational encounter, allowing them to project their feelings into the paintings.
As the artist notes, “I want to create a vessel into which the viewer can project their feelings, essentially creating a forum for the exchange of feelings between myself- the artist-and other people.

Floating Zoo introduces the works that are developed from his 2008 series Collage Animals - including the series of Memory Town and Universal Tree that continue the artist’s exploration of fantastic imagery.

Notably, while KANAMARU regularly depicts his animals and structure in overlapping spaces and configurations, in some of the larger works, such as Gear Planet, the formation rendered by four equal parts. The aspherical world has been formed in the centre of the painting, with elephants in different scales floating around the planet. Such a concept of a round place is the artist’s philosophy. The works also testify to the range of ways KANAMARU applies colour in his art. One work, Ancient 55, featuring ten colours as background and ancient fishes, tells about the flow of time and the accumulation of memories.


1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)
전화: +886 2 8751 1185
팩스: +886 2 8751 1175
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일, 공휴일
More Info


가나마루 유지
가나마루 유지

2003년 도쿄예술대학 디자인학과 졸업하였으며, Masataka Oyabu와 Chinami Nakajima라는 일본화의 두 거장에게 가르침을 받았다. Kanamaru는 삼베 조각, 영자신문 등을 표면에 적용해 의도적인 균열로 본연의 질감을 표현한다. 선명하면서도 부드러운 색을 입히는 반복적인 기법은 깊이의 환상을 일으키고 그것은 작가만의 개성을 드러낸다. 작품 속 화면의 건조함은 그가 어린 시절을 보냈던 남미를 연상케 하며, 독특한 모티브와 도시 풍경이 흩뿌려져 있다. 그는 이국적인 분위기와 향수를 불러일으키는 감정을 융합하여 매혹적인 세계관을 형성한다. 또한, Kanamaru는 예술 그룹 C-Depot을 결성하고, 주요 멤버로 활약하고 있으며 그의 작품은 국제 아트페어에서 자주 소개되는 등 특히 아시아에서 엄청난 인기와 높은 인지도를 얻고 있다.

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