Whitestone Ginza New Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition, “Vanity of vanities“ by Osamu Watanabe. Watanabe is known for sublimating sweets decoration into art. Lots of whipped cream covering; a skull decorated with colorful fruits; famous impressionist paintings; stuffed deer and so on. Lovely works at first sight, however, once they occupy the space as a mass, they begins to show its grotesque. It can be said that the excessively decorated various motifs reflect vanity in a man of today. This exhibition is consisted of a motif of “vanity”. Words from the Old Testament is also cited, expressing new “Vanitas” by sweets. We cordially invite you to come visit this precious opportunity.

Ginza New Gallery

6-4-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan
전화: +81 (0)3 3574 6161
팩스: +81 (0)3 3574 9430
영업시간: 11:00 - 19:00
휴무: 일요일, 월요일
More Info


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