Kazuharu Hanada (1946-2017) was one of Hokkaido’s representative abstract painters. Born in Sapporo in 1946, he enrolled in the Department of Oil Painting at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1965. After graduating from graduate school, he returned to Sapporo in 1974, and had since been active as a principal member of the avant-garde movement in Hokkaido. Without joining any public associations, he displayed his work mainly in solo and group exhibitions until his death in 2017. His style was abstraction composed of nearly consistently clear-cut planes of color, reminiscent of the hard-edge paintings of Ellsworth Kelly and others. From the mid-1980s in particular, Hanada developed a unique abstract world that gives feelings of friendliness and humor.

In Kazuharu Hanada’s words, “Paintings composed with a theme of relations between emotion and recognition, utilizing geometric lines and shapes.” In 1965 he entered the Oil Painting Department of the Tokyo University of the Arts, and began his academic activities in Tokyo. As a postgraduate student he pursued art further in a class taught by Ryohei Koiso, and observing his work from that time it is clear that he was experimenting in various forms of modern art. From pre-war styles such as Fauvism, Cubism and Surrealism, to post-war abstract expressionism, works from "Row of Poplar Trees" (1961-1964) to “Untitled” (1969) have shown the process of approach establishment on abstract scenery painting.

He further developed natural motifs from his existent work and, extending into a new field, introduced a world of fantasy, full of poetry. "Mother’s Train"(2005) has shown the natural beauty of the oceans and mountains of his beloved native land, Hokkaido. The various shapes and colors drawn from undefined elements are full of creativity, conveying a powerful sense of humor and poetry. There are many pieces that elicit fun and happiness in their viewers.

Composed of geometric lines and figures, the artist’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong brings not only rich lyricism and clear visual effect, but also the refreshing scenery of Hokkaido, the birthplace of Hanada.

Kazuharu Hanada: Pirka Northland Exhibition Installation View01, Hong Kong

Kazuharu Hanada: Pirka Northland Exhibition Installation View02, Hong Kong

Kazuharu Hanada: Pirka Northland Exhibition Installation View03, Hong Kong

Kazuharu Hanada: Pirka Northland Exhibition Installation View04, Hong Kong

Kazuharu Hanada: Pirka Northland Exhibition Installation View05, Hong Kong

Hanada Kazuharu Exhibition Sticker
Follow our instagram and hashtag #hanadakazuharu to receive a limited edition sticker.


HK H Queen’s 7-8/F

7-8/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 8001
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Sunday, Monday


*Will be closed during New Year Holiday period.
December 24(half day), December 25 – 27, December 31(half day), 2021 – January 3, 2022


More Info

Opening Reception

November 13, 4-7pm



花田和治(1946-2017)是北海道代表性的抽像画家之一。 1946年出生于札幌,1965年就读于东京艺术大学油画系。研究生院毕业后于1974年返回札幌,此后一直作为先锋派的主要成员活跃北海道的前卫艺术运动。直到 2017 年去世, 在没有加入任何组织的情况下,他主要在个展和群展中展示自己的作品。他的风格是由几乎一致清晰的色彩平面组成的抽象,让人联想到埃尔斯沃思·凯利等人的硬边画。特别是从 1980 年代中期开始,花田开发了一个独特的抽象世界,予人以友善和幽默的感觉。


