Ahhi Choi captures the subtle beauties of everyday life on canvas as if writing a diary. This exhibition features his latest series in delicate pastel tones, as well as various artworks including sculptures and pieces using skateboards.

AHHI CHOI: 365 Inspiration
2024.06.15 - 07.21

Reflecting on the journey of life he has traversed; the artist infuses his works with the subconscious formed along the way. Following language studies in Los Angeles, USA, Ahhi embarked on explorations of the western United States, venturing into vast national parks such as Death Valley and the Grand Canyon. During his travels, Ahhi deepened his appreciation and connection to the magnificence of nature, evolving these experiences into art.

Subsequently, drawing inspiration from daily life, he continues to express his adventures as a form of diary, utilizing ink on paper or filling wooden panels with his unique abstract colors, lines, and textures. Through organic hand movements on paper, he interprets silhouettes, drawings, words, and characters derived from the well of memory into dynamic lines. Particularly, the visually striking lines, unmistakably bold, serve as elements within his artworks that transcend the boundaries of both Japan and Korea, embodying the inspiration of a third-generation Korean-Japanese diaspora, navigating the borders of both countries freely and fluidly, reflected paradoxically within his works.


崔雅喜在1983年出生于日本兵库县,其作品中的曲线既轻快又充满活力,传达出艺术家本身的视觉经验以及冒险性格。 2014年起在纽约展出后受到注目,开始广泛于国际间展出,包括美国、法国、意大利、韩国、新加坡、香港等。
除平面绘画之外,崔雅喜也广泛涉足其他领域,包括鞋子、滑板、织品、葡萄酒酒标、手机壳、CD封面及乐器制作等设计。 2020年更于兵库县知名芦屋神社中供奉他的作品「中今」,与神社合作的数量限定绘马一推出即销售完毕。此外,并与以挂轴、屏风及画框闻名的老店:加纳云锦堂展开合作。

2024.06.15 - 07.21
+822 318 1012
+822 318 1013
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Monday