The language of rainbow strongly resonates with my present state of mind. Therefore, the rainbow has become my symbolic language of communication, which has gradually shown in my paintings.

—Etsu Egami

Whitestone Gallery Karuizawa is pleased to present “Rainbow”, an exhibition of new paintings by Japanese artist Etsu Egami. This exhibition marks Egami’s second large exhibition in Japan with her new 34 works produced in 2020, continuing from “Your Name?” at Whitestone Ginza New Gallery in 2019.

Born in Chiba in 1994, Etsu Egami is currently PhD student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing and considered as an internationally renowned artist. She was selected as one of the young leading figures in the world by “Forbes 30 UNDER 30” (Forbes China) in 2020. Egami’s paintings are richly colored, uncomplicated compositions that contain a series of portraits that are simplified as translucent brushstrokes. They often hint at broader narratives — seemingly connecting with glitch, an interference of computer data — yet they are abstract and frequently contain a disparate and overlapping form. Though her art is highly refined and executed with considerable technical skill, Egami stresses the intuitive, deeply personal of how she works. The title that the artist names for her works are as well a game she plays with the audience, in which the unconventional black and brown were added to her palette, adding further layers of complexity and intrigue to the viewing experience.

We cordially invite you to this precious opportunity.


1F / KARUIZAWA NEW ART MUSEUM, 1151-5 Karuizawa, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, 389-0102, Japan

Tel: +81 (0)267 46 8691

Fax: +81 (0)267 46 8692

Opening Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (September), 10:00 - 17:00 (October)
Closed: Sunday, Monday

More Info



江上越是日本战后第三代当代艺术家的代表之一,活跃于日本、中国、美国和欧洲。她曾就读于德国卡尔斯鲁厄国立设计学院(HFG)和中央美术学院,现为北京清华大学博士后研究员。她对语言沟通中产生误解的过程,以及对语言重新思考社会的主题特别感兴趣。她的项目因对特定地点的实地研究和记录而获得国际赞誉。在她的多个展览项目中,近期的美术馆及画廊展览包括《背负的灵魂―江上越追问的近代,一道新的地平线》(日本,Woodone美术馆)、《第1 期:江上越》(日本,千叶市美术馆)、《群展》 (以色列,Nassima Landau基金会)。

她还被博物馆策展人极力推荐,参加了VOCA展览2020(上野之森美术馆),该展览被认为是艺术家的登龙门。江上越是目前最受追捧的年轻当代艺术家之一。VOCA展览向观众介绍了为日本艺术界奠基的艺术家,例如 1994年VOCA首展的村上隆,以及1997年展览的奈良美智。



