ARU: 幻梦星空
2023.07.08 - 08.26
白石画廊台北欣然推出艺术家孟耿如(ARU Meng)个展〈ARU幻梦星空〉,展出多件全新平面绘画以及雕塑作品。在去年多了母亲身份的孟耿如,对于看待世界和宇宙有了不同的态度,希望借由已被遗忘的视角去追寻探索,邀请观众透过其作品重新发现这个世界,找回心中深处最为纯真的心灵。此次展览并为艺术家在画廊的第二次个展。




ARU Meng
ARU Meng
Born in Taipei in 1991, ARU Meng has embarked on a creative journey in the field of art, exploring various mediums and techniques. From acrylic paint to Spanish wax paint, and from wood sculpture to media like paint and cement, Meng fearlessly experiments with different materials to express her artistic perspective. Meng’s works exhibit a strong personal style, radiating a unique charm of innocence that captivates viewers. Among her creations, the signature flower-headed alien, ARU, takes center stage, inviting audiences into a vibrant and fantastical world of imagination.
For ARU Meng, the act of creation initially served as an escape from the distractions of the outside world. However, in this process, she unexpectedly discovered a hidden aspect of herself. Artistic creation has now become the most authentic and powerful means through which she expresses herself. As Meng traverses the realm of painting materials, her soul is set free, enabling her to convey delicate emotions and convey her profound understanding and fearless approach to life. Through her art, Meng has the ability to evoke the purest and deepest thoughts residing within the hearts of viewers.
2023.07.08 - 08.26
Tel: +886 2 8751 1185
Fax: +886 2 8751 1175
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: 周日,周一,国定假日