CLÉMENT DENIS: Beyond the Lines, Where Borders Collapse II
Whitestone Gallery Taipei is pleased to present Clément Denis: Beyond the Lines, Where Borders Collapse II, the artist’s first solo exhibition in Taipei. Showcasing works from The Wait, The Escape, and The Struggle series, the exhibition delves into themes of connection, division, and separation. Through a compelling ensemble of ambiguous figures, Clément Denis invites viewers to explore the intricate dynamics of human relationships—where bonds are formed, fractured, and redefined.
Clément Denis delves into the complexities of communication and the human condition in his unique way, with a particular focus on anthropological themes and the expression of consciousness through the body. Issues such as identity and environment drive him to constantly experiment with new artistic approaches, incorporating mediums such as paper weaving, mosaics, sculpture, and printmaking. In recent years, his work has transitioned from richly colored oil and acrylic paintings to paper-based creations characterized by fluid lines and vibrant hues. The artist carefully selects fine art paper from Italian and French paper mills, whose delicate textures and seemingly fragile surfaces enhance the essence and meaning of his artistic expression.
Clément Denis' figurative works depict numerous characters, often rendered in a style full of tension and movement. His paintings frequently combine abstract and figurative elements, portraying the human body and its gestures—some figures appear to embrace, symbolizing unity, while others seem to be in confrontation, evoking a sense of conflict. The artist draws inspiration from Auguste Rodin’s (1840–1917) late-period drawings, noting that Rodin’s fluid, expressive lines capture intense emotions, even when the sketches appear unfinished. The composition and structure of Rodin’s works not only influenced Clément Denis but also encouraged him to integrate elements of movement into his own practice. In his paintings, the figures appear to be in a state of waiting, yet their minds remain active, searching for a path forward.
For The Escape series, Clément Denis draws inspiration from early paleo-Christian frescoes of the 1st and 2nd centuries, which depict the Jews' exodus from Egypt. The time-worn surfaces of these ancient artworks symbolize the fragility of memory and identity. By subtly erasing parts of his own works, the artist underscores the vulnerability of human narratives, much like the erosion of frescoes, reflecting the struggles of refugees whose stories are often forgotten and erased.
In addition, drawing from his background in judo and jiu-jitsu, Clément Denis incorporates bodily movement to symbolize the paradoxes of the human experience. Each brushstroke and paper twist become a testament to both struggle and connection. Are the figures truly in conflict, or are they engaged in the choreography of sport? Notably, Clément Denis tears apart sections of his paintings—evoking destruction or deconstruction—before weaving them back together, creating a reconstructed whole imbued with heightened tension.
Tel: +886 2 8751 1185
Fax: +886 2 8751 1175
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: 周日,周一,国定假日
Opening Reception
*Artist will be present.

克莱蒙‧丹尼1991年出生于法国西部索米尔市(Saumur, France),现居并工作于巴黎西郊的维特伊(Vétheuil, France),曾在维特伊的莫奈故居居住三年,深受当地印象派艺术氛围的影响。克莱蒙‧丹尼毕业于巴黎国立高等美术学院(ENSBA),期间受自由具象艺术(Figuration Libre)运动先驱之一、艺术家弗朗索瓦·博瓦斯宏(François Boisrond, b.1959)的指导。他以独特方式探索沟通的复杂性与人类的处境,尤其关注人类学主题和身体作为意识载体的表现。他围绕身份、环境等议题,不断尝试新的创作方式,包括纸上编织、马赛克、雕塑、版画等媒材。近年来,他的作品从色彩浓重的油画和压克力画转向流动线条和鲜明色调的纸上创作。目前,他的个展与联展遍及欧美及亚洲。2019年,克莱蒙‧丹尼被《Manifesto》杂志评选为“七位值得关注的新锐艺术家”之一。