"I want to return the painting to a pure place of emotions, and therefore I avoid representational subject matter. I want viewers to be able to enter the painting naturally and have a conversation with it." —— Katsuyoshi INOKUMA

Whitestone Gallery is pleased to present "Cerulean Blue", an exhibition of paintings by Japanese artist Katsuyoshi INOKUMA. Of all colours, blue has the most significant penetrating power and is diffused the most in the air, resulting in the blue sea and sky that our eyes see. For INOKUMA, blue touches people's memories by connecting these two elements. This is INNOKUMA's eighth exhibition with Whitestone and his first solo exhibition in Taiwan. "Cerulean Blue" will showcase over 30 paintings and works on paper that the artist created from 1997 to 2020.

Highly drawn to the self-portraits painted by the Dutch painter Rembrandt van Rijn, INOKUMA focuses on the construction of light and shadow. His portrait paintings from the early period, such as '19-Year-old Self-portrait' (1970) and 'Dialogue' (1980), breathe a sense of a surrealist atmosphere. Statue-like figures are placed in the centre of a simplified background, with a dreamlike feeling floats in the air. The artist later met an abstract painter named Masazo KAMATA in 1990. Inspired by KAMATA, he discarded the obligations to the labour of illustrating things, and turned to colourful abstract painting, presenting a feeling of contemplation.

INOKUMA also had a dynamic change in his drawing techniques. In work 'IN BLUE Nov '95', he starts to explore the definition and relationship of Rectangular structure, without his dripping and sharp brushstroke. To bring out the desired depth in the blue, INOKUMA manipulates foundation layers of multiple colours and erases some of the paint after that. "Erasure" is an essential and repetitive process in his paintings.

INOKUMA also mixes coffee grounds to create a random, uneven texture; when light is reflected on it, and even more complex colour surface is produced. INOKUMA grinds pastel up in a mortar to create his pastel works, he then paints with his hands and erases using sandpaper, creating a rough texture in the material. The stage INOKUMA creates full of colours associated with air, water and land, endowing his canvas with an atmosphere of tranquility and spirituality.

Katsuyoshi INOKUMA was born in Fukushima in 1951 and graduated from Yokohama College of Art and Design in 1981. He is also the recipient of the Fukushima Art Association's Special Selection Award (1980), the Shigeru Aoki Exhibition Award (1996), the Fukushima Prefectural Art Exhibition's Silver Medal, as well as the Kiyoshi Saito Award (1998). His works have been exhibited in various cities, including Hong Kong, Taipei, and Tokyo. Institutions that have collected the paintings of INOKUMA in their prominent collection include the Fukushima Prefectural Medical College, the Hotel Hamatsu in Koriyama City, and the Shigeru Aoki Memorial Exhibition Committee.



1F, No.1, Jihu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City, 114, Taiwan (R.O.C)

Tel: +886 2 8751 1185

Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Monday


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他从1990年代开始创作蓝色调的抽象画,并于1993年推出了他的〈蓝之中〉系列作品,这一系列他仍然创作至今。此系列是将平稳柔和的蓝色画面分割绘制而成,其中还穿插多个矩形,使得作品呈现出非常具独创性的造型。然而,在他近年的作品中,不见初期作品里以鲜艳色彩及滴色相互交织形成的装饰性,反而以带有寂静感的白色及黑色等为基调,创造出具有深度的空间。猪熊使用的群青蓝色也被称为「猪熊蓝」(Inokuma Blue)。其画作的某些局部运用了多层颜料绘画而成,使画面增添了更强烈的深邃感。猪熊用粉红色作为底色来增强蓝色的深邃感。他还将咖啡粉混合于部分底漆中,以产生偶然性的、不均匀的肌理,使光线反射后产生丰富的色彩表面。



