KATSUYOSHI INOKUMA: Cosmic View of Earth
Whitestone Ginza New Gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of Katsuyoshi Inokuma, “Cosmic View of Earth”.
Profound and soft ultramarine blue, which is commonly called as “Inokuma Blue”, is the representative color of the artist. Born in Fukushima, in 1951, Inokuma still lives and continues painting in his hometown.
In these years, his works have been exhibited and highly acclaimed in the venues of international art fairs. One of his well-known series “In Blue” beginning from 1993, realized exquisite nuanced surface as a result of pink-colored base concealed in blue and unique use of mediums like coffee powder. The hue of colors has been brimmed with quietness all the more and reached the stage of maturity, which leaves spacious reverberation and perspective. The charm of Inokuma’s works is nothing like its tolerance, synchronized with the heartstring and the state of memory of each viewer.
It would be our great pleasure if this exhibition would become a precious opportunity for the visitors to synchronize with the profound world like deep inside of the cosmos.
香港 / H Queen’s
Tel: +852 2523 8001
Fax: +852 2523 8005
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: 周日,周一

他从1990年代开始创作蓝色调的抽象画,并于1993年推出了他的〈蓝之中〉系列作品,这一系列他仍然创作至今。此系列是将平稳柔和的蓝色画面分割绘制而成,其中还穿插多个矩形,使得作品呈现出非常具独创性的造型。然而,在他近年的作品中,不见初期作品里以鲜艳色彩及滴色相互交织形成的装饰性,反而以带有寂静感的白色及黑色等为基调,创造出具有深度的空间。猪熊使用的群青蓝色也被称为「猪熊蓝」(Inokuma Blue)。其画作的某些局部运用了多层颜料绘画而成,使画面增添了更强烈的深邃感。猪熊用粉红色作为底色来增强蓝色的深邃感。他还将咖啡粉混合于部分底漆中,以产生偶然性的、不均匀的肌理,使光线反射后产生丰富的色彩表面。