OSAMU WATANABE: Vanity of vanities
Whitestone Ginza New Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition, “Vanity of vanities“ by Osamu Watanabe. Watanabe is known for sublimating sweets decoration into art. Lots of whipped cream covering; a skull decorated with colorful fruits; famous impressionist paintings; stuffed deer and so on. Lovely works at first sight, however, once they occupy the space as a mass, they begins to show its grotesque. It can be said that the excessively decorated various motifs reflect vanity in a man of today. This exhibition is consisted of a motif of “vanity”. Words from the Old Testament is also cited, expressing new “Vanitas” by sweets. We cordially invite you to come visit this precious opportunity.
Tel: +81 (0)3 3574 6161
Fax: +81 (0)3 3574 9430
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: 周日,周一

由于渡边理的母亲曾在制菓学校担任讲师,因此甜点自小就充斥在他生活周遭,且与纪念日和生日等的幸福记忆紧密相连。这促使他在创作的过程中,联想到最贴近身边的甜点作为主题。其作品富有高度娱乐性,因此常获邀上电视节目、于百货公司中展示,或和动画及美体沙龙等企业进行合作等,广获引介至不同领域,还吸引了许多原本对艺术敬而远之者。对于这些活动,他本人曾在访谈中表示「就像不断增加的奶油一样,透过与各式 各样的媒体和企业进行合作,我得以实现将个人作品链接至各种 文化,并将它们拓展到全球舞台的计划。」