Art Central Hong Kong Regains Its Vibrancy

A View of the Art Central venue

Hong Kong Art Week, when the entire city is colored with art, including art fairs, auctions, and museum events. Among them, Whitestone Gallery is participating in Art Central, an event at the core of Hong Kong Art Week. In this article, we introduce Art Central and the Hong Kong art scene, which has regained its vitality after the global coronavirus disaster.

Art Central Revives Post Pandemic

Whitestone Gallery's booth at Art Central

Art Central, now in its 8th year in 2023, is one of Hong Kong's most important art fairs. Since its establishment in 2015, it has become an international art fair showcasing works by artists from Asia, Europe, the United States, and around the world. In addition to traditional paintings and sculptures, it also focuses on contemporary art, including cutting-edge media such as installations and video works. There are also workshops and talks, making it a fair that attracts many art connoisseurs.

However, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the art industry. Initially, Art Central had to postpone the annual fair, which usually takes place in March, to May in 2020. Unfortunately, that year's fair was eventually canceled due to the pandemic. Despite experiencing difficult conditions such as travel restrictions and entry limitations, it was held successfully in May 2022. This year in 2023, it returned to its usual schedule in March and was able to welcome many visitors.

Hong Kong Art Week Draws Attention from Art Fans Around the World

A View of the Art Central venue

Hong Kong has a significant presence in the art industry, with major galleries and auction houses headquartered in the city. March is usually a period when Hong Kong's art scene is flourishing, with various art events such as the prestigious Art Basel art fair in Asia, auctions by major auction houses, exhibitions at museums, and events organized by galleries.

In recent years, Art Basel Hong Kong, one of the world's most famous art fairs, and Art Central have been held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center during the same period. Joint efforts have been made to enable visitors to enjoy both fairs by issuing a single ticket for the two fairs. The month of March in Hong Kong is a unique opportunity to appreciate the diversity of the art scene in Hong Kong.

Whitestone Gallery's booth at Art Central

As the world gradually returns to a more open way of life after the confined life during the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2023 Art Central art fair has become an event that shows a future where art attracts art fans more than ever.

This year's Art Central will be held until March 25th. Whitestone Gallery's website will provide detailed information from staff at a later date.

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