양 용리앙 양 용리앙

양 용리앙

양 용리앙
양 용리앙

1980년 상하이에서 태어나 Yang Yongliang은 2003년 중국미술학원을 졸업(Visual Communication)했다. 그는 사진, 그림, 비디오, 설치와 같은 다양한 매체의 사용을 탐구하면서 2005년에 현대 미술에 대한 실험을 시작했으며, 현대 언어와 디지털 기술로 고대 동양 미학과 문학적 신념을 구현하면서 전통과 현대의 접점을 개척한다. 그의 작품은 역사, 신화, 사회 문화를 도시와 끊임없이 변화하는 풍경의 맥락에서 끌어내는 이야기를 고차원적으로 확장(meta-narrative)하는 것이다. 그가 가장 잘 알려진 것은 도시 건축의 영상을 화필로 삼아 송대(宋代)의 첩첩산중의 산수풍(山水風)을 바탕으로 디지털 영상 창작이다. 도시 개발은 도시 생활에 번영을 주지만 동시에 많은 사람들을 가둔다. 고대 중국인들은 웅장한 자연에 감탄하며 풍경화를 그린 것이지만, 반면에 그의 작품은 현대 현실에 대한 비판적인 재검토를 이끈다. 미디어 및 콘텐츠 측면에서 강인한 포스트모더니즘적 감각은 전통적 미학과 결합된다. 그의 작품은 대영박물관과 메트로폴리탄미술관 등 세계 유명 공공기관에 소장되어 있으며, 현재는 상하이와 뉴욕에서 활동을 이어가고 있다.



YANG YONGLIANG: Imagined Landscape

August 13 - October 1, 2022

YANG YONGLIANG: Views of Water
HK H Queen’s 7-8/F
November 21, 2019 - January 12, 2020
YANG YONGLIANG: Journey to the Dark
Taipei Neihu
January 13 - March 4, 2018


Asia Society - 2019 Asia Arts Game Changer Awards - Awarded
Prix Pictet - The Global Award in Photography and Sustainability - Nominated
40th Anniversary of the Rencontres d'Arles - Discovery Prize - Nominated




Eternal Landscape, OCMAEXPAND, Orange County Art Museum, Santa Ana, USA
Artificial Wonderland, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand
Views of Water, Whitestone Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Salt 14: Yang Yongliang, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, USA
Journey to the Dark, Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney, Australia
Journey to the Dark, Whitestone Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Time Immemorial, Matthew Liu Fine Arts, Shanghai, China
Time Immemorial, SHIBUNKAKU, Tokyo, Fukuoka and Kyoto, Japan
Fall into Oblivion, Pearl Lam Galleries, Singapore
YAN, Shanghai Gallery of Art, Shanghai, China
FT5 Review with Yang Yongliang Film Screening, Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
Yang YongliangSolo Exhibition, Sophie Maree Gallery, Den Haag, Netherland
Moonlit Metropolis, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Silent Valley, MC2 Gallery, Milano, Italy
The Moonlight, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France
The Moonlight, Magda Danysz Galleries, Shanghai, China
The Peach Colony, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Beijing, China
The Peach Blossom Colony, 18 Gallery, Shanghai, China
Window 70th: Yang Yongliang, Gallery Jinsun, Seoul, Korea
Heavenly City, MC2 Gallery, Milan, Italy
Views from China: Yang Yongliangand The Modern Metropolis, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, USA Ar=s=c Concep=on: Landscape, My Humble House, Taipei, Taiwan
Heavenly City, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France
Artificial Wonderland, 18 Gallery, Shanghai, China
Yang YongliangSolo, Melbourne Intercultural Fine Art, Melbourne, Australia
Yang Yongliang Photographic Works, Limn Art Gallery, San Francisco, USA
City of Phantom Visions, OFOTO Gallery, Shanghai, China
On the Quiet Water, 45 Downstairs Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
Heavenly City & On the Quiet Water, OFOTO Gallery, Shanghai, China
Phantom Landscape, OFOTO Gallery, Shanghai, China



Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College (Ohio, USA) / Arendt Art Collection (Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg) / Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) / Bates College Museum of Art (Maine, USA) / The British Museum (London, UK) / Brooklyn Museum (New York, USA) / Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki, Greece) / Davis Museum at Wellesley College (Massachusetts, USA) / Deutsche Bank (Hong Kong, China) / DSL Collection (Paris, France) / Fidelity Investment Corp. Collection (USA) / Franks-Suss Collection (London, UK) / How Art Museum (Shanghai, China) / HSBC Hong Kong (Shanghai, China) / Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, University of Oregon (Oregon, USA) / M+ Sigg Collection (Hong Kong, China) / Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA) / Middlebury College Museum of Art (Vermont, USA) / Museum of Arts and Crafts (Hamburg, Germany) / Museum of Modern Art (Paris, France) / Museum of Mankind (Paris, France) / Museum of Fine Arts (Boston, USA) / Museum of Photographic Arts (San Diego, USA) / The National Gallery of Victoria (Melbourne, Australia) / Nevada Art Museum (Nevada, USA) / The Rare Books Department of the National Library of France (Paris, France) / Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art (Florida, USA) / San Francisco Asian Art Museum (San Francisco, USA) / The Utah Museum of Fine Arts (USA) / Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University (Kansas, USA) / Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art - University of Salford (Manchester, UK) / White Rabbit Contemporary Chinese Art Collection (Sydney, Australia)



2019 Whitestone gallery Hong Kong
2019 Whitestone gallery Hong Kong
2019 Whitestone gallery Hong Kong
2019 Whitestone gallery Hong Kong
2018 Whitestone Gallery Taipei
2016 Time Immemorial – The Brook 5/5
2016 The Immemorial – The Slope
2017 Endless Streams 6/7

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