Yamato Power, to the world

Miwa Komatsu
Hiranoya Enmusubi Chopsticks

Adopting the theme of "Yamato Power" emphasized in Miwa Komatsu’s artwork, we are thrilled to present original goods that express and share the prayers entailed in Komatsu’s works by using traditional Japanese craft, locally sourced materials, and borrowing skillful techniques from artisans.

Miwa Komatsu is a contemporary artist who dedicated her painting entitled "Shin Fudoki" to the Izumo-taisha Grand Shrine in 2014. Enmusubi Chopsticks Hiranoya is a long-established shop since 1907, located in front of the Izumo-taisha Grand Shrine. After several years of development, this fateful collaboration has produced a specially-made Enmusubi chopsticks set in commemoration of their encounter. The set includes two pairs of chopsticks and a special box printed with an image of the wolves from Miwa Komatsu's work entitled "Meet Wolfs, and Love", plus a bookmark with a message from the artist herself. By aligning the two pairs of chopsticks together, a complete image of the wolves is formed. Through its simple design, you can feel the beauty of Miwa Komatsu's work and the fine quality of the chopsticks themselves.

About Yamato Power

"Yamato Power" does not mean "Japanese-ness". It is the power and method of design that Japan has possessed since ancient times to combine and integrate various things.
The ability to integrate and synthesize the various cultures of the world is the power of "wa" that Japan possesses, and "Yamato Power" is the power of great harmony.

- Quote: "Finding my own role in the world"

The origin of the ”Enmusubi chopsticks”

Enmusubi chopsticks are said to originate from a famous story in the Kojiki chronicle of Japanese legends. The deity Susanoo-no-Mikoto descended from the heavens to the land of Izumo on earth, and while walking along the the Hiikawa river, he was led by a pair of chopsticks floating on the river to the home of Inadahime, whom he goes on to rescue from the Yamata-no-Orochi serpent and eventually marry. Izumo thus became known as the land of fateful connections or "Enmusubi". But Enmusubi represents not just romantic bonds, but also our connections to family, wealth, health, and other intangible things. It is believed that the eight million gods of Shinto get together every year in Izumo to decide on the fates of mortals, which came to be known as Enmusubi. Enmusubi chopsticks are made with a wish for the good fate of the user.

The upper part of the Enmusubi chopsticks are decorated with a special character that symbolizes Izumo Go-en, or a wish for good fate in romance, family, work, health, and other intangible things. The left side of the character is the "itohen" (thread) kanji radical, while the right side is a combination of the hiragana characters for the word "go-en" (fate).

The box for the chopsticks set is designed with Miwa Komatsu's signature and personal symbol, as well as the logo of Hiranoya. Each one is encircled by a red "kumihimo" braid, and the two circles are connected through the image of the wolves from Miwa Komatsu's painting.

The back side of the chopsticks are printed with Miwa Komatsu's signature and personal symbol.

The specially-made box is carefully wrapped in a white furoshiki cloth, then attached with a mark that certifies the product as genuine Enmusubi chopsticks from Izumo.

The Enmusubi chopsticks are made from precious Izumo cherry wood, each one carefully shaped, polished, and painted by expert artisans. Their philosophy is to make not a tangible object but an intangible thing. They want to offer not just a physical gift, but the act of forming bonds and connections.


코마츠 미와

코마츠 미와

1984년 나가노현에서 태어난 코마츠 미와는 Joshibi University of Art & Design을 졸업하고, 현재 그곳에서 초빙 교수로 일하며 동시에 도쿄 예술 대학의 객원 강사이기도 하다.


죠시비 예술 디자인 대학에서 공부하는 동안, "The Forty-ninth Day"라는 제목의 동판화 작품은 감동적인 독창성으로 찬사를 받았다. 이 작품을 만든 후, 코마츠는 전문 화가로서의 길을 걷기 시작했으며, 최근 몇 년 동안 그녀의 작업 방식은 아크릴 페인팅, 심지어 아리타 도자기까지 제작 기법을 확장해왔다.


코마츠는 어린 시절부터 보이지 않는 세계에 대한 감수성이 강하고 자연이 풍요로운 환경에서 다양한 생물과 접촉하여, 살아 숨 쉬는 영혼은 평등하게 창조되었다 사생관 아래 삶과 죽음에 대한 그녀의 독특한 관점을 발전시켰다. 그녀는 강력한 표현력으로 '신수'라는 테마의 작품을 선보이고 있다.


런던의 첼시 플라워 쇼의 일부로 전시되었던 그녀의 아리타 도자기 작품 ‘Heaven and Earth Komainu’ 이 대영 박물관에 소장되어 상시 전시되고 있다. 미와 코마츠의 작품은 World Trade Center, 나가노 현립미술관, Woodone 미술관, Xiao현대미술관(중국 산둥성 리자오시), 이즈모 신사, 클리블랜드 영사관(미국 오하이오주), 월트 디즈니 재팬 등 유명 박물관과 기관이 소장하고 있다.


현대 예술가로서, 코마츠는 'The Great Harmonization (대조화)'라는 창작 이념을 가지고, 세계 각지에서 개인전과 라이브 페인팅 퍼포먼스 등 활발한 작품 활동을 이어가고 있다.

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