Sculpting Happiness with Sweets: Interview with Osamu Watanabe


With vibrant colors and exquisitely detailed cream and candy decorations that could easily be mistaken for the real thing, Osamu Watanabe brings ancient dinosaurs to life in a way never seen before. For over 20 years, he has been at the forefront of fake art, blending the world of desserts with unexpected motifs to create stunning, whimsical works. Now, after six years, he returns to Whitestone Gallery for a long-awaited solo exhibition. In this interview, Watanabe reflects on his artistic journey, the vision behind his latest exhibition, and what the future holds for his sweet yet surreal creations.

Reproducing the Colors of Memory


Osamu Watanabe “Sweet dinosaur” 2022,  96.0 × 19.0 × 39.5cm, mixed media

― What inspired you to create art incorporating sweets?

Watanabe: Some of my most vivid memories come from childhood, watching my mother, who taught baking classes, make desserts. I can still clearly recall the delicate swirls of cream and the rich colors of the cookies she created. I believed that expressing those childhood memories would be a reflection of who I am, so I started creating these works nearly 20 years ago.

― How do concepts like time and nostalgia connect with your work?

Watanabe: I incorporate various dessert elements into my pieces, subtly enhancing their colors. People tend to remember delectable treats—both their colors and shapes—as more vibrant and radiant than they actually are. By recreating these idealized hues, I hope my art stirs a sense of nostalgia, evoking the warmth and joy of cherished dessert-filled memories.


At the Artist’s Studio

― Your works evoke sweet moments in a way different from your mother’s methods as a baking instructor. Has she shared any thoughts on this?

Watanabe: I grew up in the countryside, where becoming an artist was hard to understand or support. Living as an artist is challenging... But since my work is deeply influenced by my parents, they’ve come to support me over time. As I presented my art at various local venues, the community began to recognize my efforts, making it possible for me to continue this journey for over two decades.

A Dream World Amidst Dark Times


At the Artist’s Studio

― Could you tell us about the dinosaur motif in your latest works?

Watanabe: The dinosaurs in this exhibition symbolize happy memories. Since no one has ever seen a real dinosaur, they could be any color—perhaps even have textures reminiscent of sweets. People often assume they fully understand the world, yet there is still so much unknown. Through these dessert-themed dinosaurs, I hope to encourage viewers to see the world with fresh eyes, free from preconceived notions.


Meticulous Craftsmanship at Work

― In your previous exhibition in Ginza, you portrayed decaying apples and skulls, contrasting with the current theme of happiness. Was there a particular message behind this shift?

Watanabe:In that previous exhibition, I aimed to explore vanitas-like themes, such as mortality, by depicting decaying fruit and other elements through sweets and three-dimensional art. While the cake decorations gave the pieces a playful, charming appearance, they also carried an ironic critique of capitalism and superficial vanity. However, with the world now overshadowed by troubling news and ongoing conflicts, my focus has shifted. Rather than irony, I wanted to create a dreamy, nostalgic world—one that offers a sense of warmth and escapism.

Developing Original Techniques with Resin and Synthetic Materials


Osamu Watanabe, "Sweet Dinosaur," 2022, 53.5 × 17.0 × 25.0 cm, mixed media.

― Over the past two decades, how have your materials and creative process evolved?

Watanabe: In the beginning, I adapted art mediums to replicate dessert textures. Over time, I developed and refined original techniques using resin and synthetic materials for greater realism and uniqueness. I also shifted from working solo to collaborating with multiple assistants in my studio, establishing methods that allow consistent reproduction across different artists.

― Food replicas are gaining recognition worldwide. As a pioneer of sweets decoration, how do you feel about this trend?

Watanabe: I’m delighted to see food replicas gaining popularity in art and design both in Japan and abroad. When I first introduced dessert decoration into the art world, many viewed food replicas as mere industrial products. Now, “inedible sweets” have become a recognized art genre, with many artists pursuing their unique expressions. I hope this trend inspires more people to experience the dreams and fantasies associated with sweet treats.

Creating Eternal Moments of Happiness


Osamu Watanabe in the process of creating

― What emotions or impressions do you hope viewers experience with your art?

Watanabe: I want my works to evoke happy memories and emotions in viewers. Although cakes are momentary by nature, I hope my art provides an experience where happiness feels eternal.

― What are your future plans?

Watanabe: I plan to continue focusing on sweets decoration while incorporating new materials and techniques to expand my artistic expression. I’m particularly interested in creating immersive installations and exploring digital technology in my work. Additionally, I’m collaborating with art museums across Japan to organize large-scale exhibitions that bring a world of dreams to a wider audience.

The combination of ancient creatures like dinosaurs and sweets decoration transcends conventional concepts, inspiring dreams of “what if” moments tied to the sweet, happy memories of our lives. We invite you to experience these works in person.

Osamu Watanabe’s solo exhibition, "Unseen Sweet Nostalgia," will be held at Whitestone Ginza New Gallery from February 7 to March 1. For more details, please visit the link below.

OSAMU WATANABE: Unseen Sweet Nostalgia






2000年渡邊理定義了「Fake Cream Art」,展開一連串以食品樣本技術呈現假奶油藝術的新型態活動。取自美術歷史上的經典作品為題材,以獨自的手法創作出不同作品的價值觀。除了最具代表性的作品為動物系列之外,以假奶油裝飾世界名畫與希臘雕刻系列,以純白假奶油表現山水畫系列,還以假奶油裝飾世界遺產。以假奶油創作的靈感起源於身為甜點教室講師的母親,渡邊理在創作作品的過程中,也同時回憶起對他生命中重要存在的甜點。富有娛樂性的作品,也受到電視節目的邀約,各大百貨公司的展覽邀約,並且與動畫和美容沙龍有聯名合作。自認與藝術摸不著邊的人們也能感受到渡邊理作品的魅力。








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