Whitestone Gallery Seoul is pleased to present Else Where, the first solo exhibition in Korea by abstract expressionist artist Wu Shuang. This exhibition features more than 40 works, including newly created pieces inspired by the artist’s sensory experiences and emotions during her stay in Seoul.

WU SHUANG: Else Where
2025.02.15 - 03.30

Wu Shuang explores the meaning of inner spirituality and freedom, employing an intuitive and spontaneous approach to her practice. She constructs form and composition through dynamic brushstrokes, layering colors in a way that generates a striking tension while simultaneously achieving a delicate sense of harmony across the canvas. In her earlier explorations of printmaking techniques, Wu sought to transcend the limitations of flat, monotonous two-dimensional painting by actively incorporating fluorescent, highly saturated colors. The interplay of bright tones with subtle dark undertones intensifies the impact of her works, while her ability to maintain clarity and transparency across multiple layers remains a defining characteristic of her style.
Following the global pandemic, Wu has been dismantling spatial boundaries, incorporating new environments and emotions encountered through her travels into her art. Her time in Seoul follows this path, as she explores the dynamic interplay between tradition and modernity within the city. The experience has expanded her use of color and composition, adding new dimensions to her artistic language.
Embracing spontaneity and serendipity as fundamental elements of painting, Wu Shuang perceives the process of transforming uncertainty into possibility as the essence of art itself.Else Whereextends this exploration, visually manifesting her cross-border perceptions and internal rhythms.

Wu Shuang's Perspectives After First Solo Exhibition in Japan
Exhibition Interview


吳霜的藝術非常引人入勝,她擅長使用顏色,特別是高純度、對比強烈的色彩。她混合各種明亮的色彩,起初一看會覺得對比強烈,但融合在一起又特別和諧。此外,她的作品包含了既有深度又有廣度的情感,是所有觀眾都能共情的,這也是少有的中國女藝術家所具備的能力。在看似自由開放的外表下,她的作品同時具有十分理性的一面,有著嚴謹的思索,並且需要嚴格和持續的控制才能完成。 吳霜的作品代表了她敢於冒險的精神,對不同年代的人都有吸引力。因為她獨特的風格,她與知名品牌如梅賽德斯-奔馳、中國時裝周等品牌連續合作三年,並且在全國廣泛地展出。
2025.02.15 - 03.30
Opening Reception
2025.02.15(Sat) 3 - 6 pm
*Artist will be present
+822 318 1012
+822 318 1013
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Monday