Whitestone Gallery Karuizawa is pleased to announce ‘Chocolate river’ by the well-known fake cream artist, Osamu Watanabe.

Brought up by his mother who was a teacher at a school of confectionery, the artist found “sweets” as a symbol of his own happy memories in his childhood and started to produce artworks when he entered Tokyo Zokei University.

Since 2000, he has been producing ‘fake cream art’ which consists of model animals and historical artworks in decorated resins made up in the form of fake creams, macaroons, ice creams, and fruits. While his works may seem
merely fanciful, they can be seen as actually enabling people to re-describe materials and stereotypes by looking at objects which have been created from his unique viewpoint.

In the three years since his last solo show at Karuizawa, he now returns with some new ironic works inspired by Edvard Munch’s Scream, Korin Ogata’s Red and White Plum Blossoms, etc.


日本389-0102長野縣北佐久郡輕井澤町輕井澤1151-5 輕井澤新藝術美術館1樓
Tel: +81 (0)267 46 8691
Fax: +81 (0)267 46 8692
Opening Hours:10:00 - 17:00 (October - June),10:00 - 18:00 (July - September)
Closed: 週一
More Info



2000年渡邊理定義了「Fake Cream Art」,展開一連串以食品樣本技術呈現假奶油藝術的新型態活動。取自美術歷史上的經典作品為題材,以獨自的手法創作出不同作品的價值觀。除了最具代表性的作品為動物系列之外,以假奶油裝飾世界名畫與希臘雕刻系列,以純白假奶油表現山水畫系列,還以假奶油裝飾世界遺產。以假奶油創作的靈感起源於身為甜點教室講師的母親,渡邊理在創作作品的過程中,也同時回憶起對他生命中重要存在的甜點。富有娛樂性的作品,也受到電視節目的邀約,各大百貨公司的展覽邀約,並且與動畫和美容沙龍有聯名合作。自認與藝術摸不著邊的人們也能感受到渡邊理作品的魅力。


