2019.07.26 - 08.31
2019.07.26 - 08.31
今年適逢藝術家上前智祐的逝世一週年,白石畫廊(銀座本館)特於此刻舉辦了藝術家首次全面性的回顧展。此次展覽將呈現上前智祐橫跨70多年藝術生涯,多種風格及媒材應用的創作, 從他在「具體派」的代表作品、早期的雕塑作品、「具體派」解散後的「手工編織」、版畫、乃至於晚期的複合媒材創作等。雖然屬於具體藝術協會成員之一,上前智祐始終與表演形式的行動繪畫保持著距離,藉由經年累月持續的手工創作過程,獨自追尋他所嚮往的非具象世界。真心期盼觀者能沉浸於這位在日本和及世界各地擁有獨特地位的偉大藝術家精心細膩的世界中。除了上前智祐紀念基金會及白石畫廊的收藏之外,部分展出作品是與大阪府立江之子島文化芸術創造中心(enoco)合作提供。我們誠摯地邀請您透過這個寶貴的機會蒞臨參觀。
5-1-10 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan
Tel: +81 (0)3 3574 6161
Opening Hours: 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Monday (August 12-19)

While GUTAI being highly acclaimed in recent years, Uemae is one of the oldest witnesses of the group and its period. In contrast to Shimamoto, the charm of Uemae consists in the elaborated matières and its accumulation of introspective energies. Experiencing various jobs such as crane operator, apprentice to traditional dyeing factory in Kyoto, Uemae studies firstly Chinese "Nan-ga" as self-taught, then shifts to oil painting. In 1953, Uemae meets Yoshihara, since then, the artist takes part in every Gutai exhibition until its dissolution. His wide-ranging creation from two-dimensional works which are composed of pattern accumulation by painting knife or of sensitive stitch to sculptural works made of wood or saw dust, comes from his broad experience in his adolescence.